You should only accept same-day or next-day service if you are certain that you will be able to accommodate those jobs.
Keep in mind: Cancelling any job will affect your status, this includes canceling same or next-day jobs.
The most common order made is loading/unloading with a two-man crew for two hours.
You are an independent contractor, so you work for yourself.
The minimum amount of time a customer can reserve is 2 hours of service.
Contact us ASAP.
Not showing up to a job. – Permanent removal of your service
Not contacting the customer.
Telling the customer that you cannot or will not perform a job. – Permanent removal of your service
Attempt to charge additional fees. – Permanent removal of your service
Having an invalid phone number.
The customer canceling due to damage.
You accept cash payment instead of using the Payment Code. – Permanent removal of your service
Customer dissatisfaction.
Committing too many of these types of cancellations can result in the permanent removal of your service.
Sometimes nothing, we understand issues arise and you cannot always make everyone happy.
Always contact us if the following occur.
Can’t contact customer with the date of attempt
Customer changed date of move
Customer changed time of move
Customer changed address
Any issues with damages
Anything unusual that happens on the job
Yes. If you initiate a cancellation, it will affect your status with us.
If a customer asks you to cancel a job for them, inform them that only customers can cancel their Moving Help orders, via their customer account. If they have trouble canceling, you can instruct them to contact us.
Do not provide same-day service unless you know you can ALWAYS take more jobs at the last minute.
Carefully manage your availability. If you do not have a large enough crew, only allow one job per time frame (morning, afternoon, or evening).
Don’t overwhelm your days with too many jobs.
Don’t make your coverage area too large. Make sure that you can travel across your coverage area from one job to another. If you have a morning job at one end of your coverage area, and an afternoon job at another, make sure the area itself is small enough for you to accomplish both jobs.